Mmmm...fried stuff....
Well, the doctor confirmed that Margaret is indeed pregnant, so now it's official. No we can begin to tell everyone else we didn't let the secret slip out to.
We went to the fair tonight, something we try to do every year, despite the high cheese factor. Ten years ago we both would have been hitting all the rides, but now we basically eat our way around the midway. With the Bean continuing to flourish, and noting the fact that Margaret usually eats fairly healthy, one has to wonder what it thought of the crap coming its way this evening. The list includes a corn dog (and Margaret doesn't eat meat, so it'll be interesting to see how that goes over), fried cheese, and an elephant ear (fried dough similar to a funnel cake, with cinnamon and sugar). I'm thinking that if the Bean were a bit more developed, it would be zinging off the walls of Margaret's womb from the effects of the grase, cholesterol and sugar.
With the admission, food and drink, and gas, the night out proved to be expensive. Margaret suggested not telling our child about the fair after it was born, and that if he or she ever came to us asking about it, we could simply say that the carnies feasted on small children, and that the risk was just too great. I personally feel that if the kid wants to go to the fair, we'll make it happen, even though the trip's expenses will be ridiculous. I plan to do all the parent things - ball games, a trip to Disney World, camping. My dad did all that with me, and I can't wait to pass it on.
I have been seeing commercials for the film version of "Jarhead," a book I am ashamed to say I haven't read yet. From what I've seen so far, the look of the film is dead on accurate, at least for the type of scenery I saw when I was out in the Saudi Arabian desert in 1990-91. I'm looking forward to seeing the film. I swear to god that if I had known that there was a possibility of getting published (much less a film deal), I would have kept better record of my time out there. Not that what I experienced was all that exciting, but it certainly was as interesting as this book I'm reading now, "Just Another Soldier," by Jason Christopher Hartley. I'm enjoying it, and Hartley is a great writer who tells it like it is. The book is basically his blog he kept while deployed in Iraq during the current war. I wish blogs had existed back when I was over there. Anyway, the whole reason for even bringing up military service is because I don't want the Bean to have to do anything of the sort unless he or she wants to. I wasn't pushed into my three years in the army, and I'm glad I did it for the most part, seeing as I got to live in Europe for almost three years. That absolutely opened my mind and changed my life. If the Bean wants to follow in my footsteps, then I will urge he or she to join the Air Force. They definitely have the best standard of living, not to mention the best jobs for use outside the military. Hopefully it won't be an issue. Hopefully the Bean will opt to go to college after high school.
There are so many things to consider.
We might call my dad tomorrow and ask him to lunch to tell him the news. We'll see how that goes.